Locate an Omnis Rep in Your Area
- Patrick Harding
- Tabatha Harding
- Pennsylvania (West of and including Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Snyder, Union, Lycoming, and Tioga Counties); West Virginia
- Joseph Polak
- Texas; Louisiana (North of and including Sabine, Natchitoches, Grant, La Salle, Catahoula, and Concordia Counties)
- Robert Donohue
- Idaho
- Matt Martino
- Illinois; Indiana (Lake County); Wisconsin; (Upper) Michigan
- Frank Bredow
- Colorado; Utah; Wyoming
- Beau Preston
- Shane Lott
- North Carolina; South Carolina
- Divya Gupta
- New Jersey (North of and including Mercer and Middlesex Counties); New York (South of and including Orange and Putnam Counties)
- Clyde Copeland
- Florida
Facades Northeast
- William Johnson
- New Hampshire; Massachusetts; Connecticut; Vermont; Maine; Rhode Island
- Todd Johnson (Washington)
- Michael Selven (Oregon)
- Will Johnson (East and Central Washington)
- George Davis
- Iowa; Nebraska; Kansas; Missouri
- Katia Griggs
- California (North of and including Monterey, Kings, Tulare, and Inyo Counties)
- Michelle Hough
- California – Los Angeles
- Michael Moorhouse
- Washington D.C.; Maryland; Virginia; Delaware; New Jersey (South of and including Monmouth and Burlington Counties); Pennsylvania (East of and including Franklin, Perry, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Sullivan, and Bradford Counties)
Omnis Panels
- Brad Preston:
- Thom Horan:
- Hunter Preston:
- Alabama
- California
- Indiana
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
Provident Architectural
- Mike McKay mike@providentarchitectural.com
- 520.425.2221
- Arizona; New Mexico; Nevada (Clark County)
- Aaron Spencer
- Indiana (Not including Lake, LaPorte, Porter, St Joseph Counties); Kentucky; Ohio
- Kenny Kay
- Oklahoma and Arkansas
Zurca Construction Solutions
- Tony Zurca
- Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama